working together for local families

Family Fun Day

Saturday 23rd July is looking to be a great day for all the family!

Are You Ready To Bid?

Grab your chance of placing the winning bid on this signed England shirt.

In The News

Sarah's interview with the Grantham Journal is set to bring extra interest in our Fun Day.

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Cricket Team Goes Pink This Season

Our cricketers are all wearing pink this season to raise awareness and funds.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Pink Caps For Our Cricketers

Have you heard the news? 

The Barrowby Cricket Club will be wearing pink caps throughout this season to help raise both funds and awareness for those affected by cancer.

The caps are being sold at £8 for members and £10 for non-members, with all profits going directly to Cancer Research UK. 

For more information, click here.

Friday 8 July 2011

Family Fun Day - Saturday 23rd July

Put the date in your diary!

Our Family Fun Day is on track to be a fantastic day for all the family. We have football and cricket matches planned, a wide variety of stalls and games, plus a rather special auction!

A list of the stalls and games will be published here soon, so do check back for more information nearer the time.

If you have any items you wish to donate for our stalls or as prizes for our games, please contact Sarah on 07985 294414. We have already received many generous donations, but the more things we have on the day the more money we can raise!

Sarah will also be happy to hear from you if you are a local business interested in having a stall on the day, or a local resident with a few hours to spare to help in preparation and on the day itself.

Are You Ready To Bid?

Could there be anything more exciting for a football fan than to own a signed England shirt?

The above shirt, signed by 22 members of the team including David James, David Beckham, Rio Ferdinand, Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, Ashley Cole, Wayne Bridge, John Terry and Theo Walcott, will be up for auction at our Family Fun Day.

The auction will be just one of a number of fantastic events occurring throughout the day. So come along and get bidding!

If you will be unable to attend on the day, commission bids can be placed by calling 07903279493.

Follow us on Facebook

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Did you know that you can use your Facebook account to keep up to date with all the action?

Simply click here or on the Facebook logo on the right hand side of this blog to be taken directly to our Facebook Page. Once you "like" the group on Facebook you will automatically receive notification of all our news as and when it happens.

Sarah is named "the face" of Cancer Research UK

Photo Credit: Grantham Journal

On Tuesday 28th June 2011, our very own Sarah Harper was featured in the Grantham Journal as "the face" of Cancer Research UK in the area. 

The article highlighted the work that the Barrowby Sporting Community Fundraising Group have been involved with this year, and brought some much appreciated advertising for the forthcoming Family Fun Day. 

To read the article, click here

Sunday 10 July 2011

Pink Caps For Our Cricketers

Posted by Hyperemesis Blog Roundup at 14:56 0 comments

Have you heard the news? 

The Barrowby Cricket Club will be wearing pink caps throughout this season to help raise both funds and awareness for those affected by cancer.

The caps are being sold at £8 for members and £10 for non-members, with all profits going directly to Cancer Research UK. 

For more information, click here.

Friday 8 July 2011

Family Fun Day - Saturday 23rd July

Posted by Hyperemesis Blog Roundup at 16:54 0 comments

Put the date in your diary!

Our Family Fun Day is on track to be a fantastic day for all the family. We have football and cricket matches planned, a wide variety of stalls and games, plus a rather special auction!

A list of the stalls and games will be published here soon, so do check back for more information nearer the time.

If you have any items you wish to donate for our stalls or as prizes for our games, please contact Sarah on 07985 294414. We have already received many generous donations, but the more things we have on the day the more money we can raise!

Sarah will also be happy to hear from you if you are a local business interested in having a stall on the day, or a local resident with a few hours to spare to help in preparation and on the day itself.

Are You Ready To Bid?

Posted by Hyperemesis Blog Roundup at 16:30 0 comments

Could there be anything more exciting for a football fan than to own a signed England shirt?

The above shirt, signed by 22 members of the team including David James, David Beckham, Rio Ferdinand, Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, Ashley Cole, Wayne Bridge, John Terry and Theo Walcott, will be up for auction at our Family Fun Day.

The auction will be just one of a number of fantastic events occurring throughout the day. So come along and get bidding!

If you will be unable to attend on the day, commission bids can be placed by calling 07903279493.

Follow us on Facebook

Posted by Hyperemesis Blog Roundup at 15:41 0 comments

Do you use Facebook?

Did you know that you can use your Facebook account to keep up to date with all the action?

Simply click here or on the Facebook logo on the right hand side of this blog to be taken directly to our Facebook Page. Once you "like" the group on Facebook you will automatically receive notification of all our news as and when it happens.

Sarah is named "the face" of Cancer Research UK

Posted by Hyperemesis Blog Roundup at 15:19 0 comments
Photo Credit: Grantham Journal

On Tuesday 28th June 2011, our very own Sarah Harper was featured in the Grantham Journal as "the face" of Cancer Research UK in the area. 

The article highlighted the work that the Barrowby Sporting Community Fundraising Group have been involved with this year, and brought some much appreciated advertising for the forthcoming Family Fun Day. 

To read the article, click here
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