working together for local families

How to Donate

There are several ways in which you can donate your time or money to our group.

Monetary Donations

We gratefully receive donations of any size in any of the following ways:

Cheques made out to (to be added) and sent to (address to be added)

Online donations can be made via PayPal (donate button to be added)

Donations of Goods

We are always looking for donations of books, CDs, DVDs, games, toys and prizes for our fundraising events. If you have anything you wish to donate, please contact us.

Donation of Time

If you have time to spare and would like to help with the organising and running of any of our events, please do contact us to find out how you can help.

How to Donate

There are several ways in which you can donate your time or money to our group.

Monetary Donations

We gratefully receive donations of any size in any of the following ways:

Cheques made out to (to be added) and sent to (address to be added)

Online donations can be made via PayPal (donate button to be added)

Donations of Goods

We are always looking for donations of books, CDs, DVDs, games, toys and prizes for our fundraising events. If you have anything you wish to donate, please contact us.

Donation of Time

If you have time to spare and would like to help with the organising and running of any of our events, please do contact us to find out how you can help.

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