working together for local families

Friday 8 July 2011

Are You Ready To Bid?

Could there be anything more exciting for a football fan than to own a signed England shirt?

The above shirt, signed by 22 members of the team including David James, David Beckham, Rio Ferdinand, Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, Ashley Cole, Wayne Bridge, John Terry and Theo Walcott, will be up for auction at our Family Fun Day.

The auction will be just one of a number of fantastic events occurring throughout the day. So come along and get bidding!

If you will be unable to attend on the day, commission bids can be placed by calling 07903279493.


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Friday 8 July 2011

Are You Ready To Bid?

Posted by Hyperemesis Blog Roundup at 16:30

Could there be anything more exciting for a football fan than to own a signed England shirt?

The above shirt, signed by 22 members of the team including David James, David Beckham, Rio Ferdinand, Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, Ashley Cole, Wayne Bridge, John Terry and Theo Walcott, will be up for auction at our Family Fun Day.

The auction will be just one of a number of fantastic events occurring throughout the day. So come along and get bidding!

If you will be unable to attend on the day, commission bids can be placed by calling 07903279493.

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